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So far Neighborhood Veterinary Centers has created 209 blog entries.

The Optimal Time to Purchase Your Pet’s Wellness Plan

Wellness plans are designed to benefit pets of all ages and can be customized with basic preventive care services or upgraded to include all recommended services for any given life stage. Although you can purchase a plan no matter your pet’s age, our Neighborhood Veterinary Centers plan options are most beneficial when you invest in [...]

Pet Wellness Plan Benefits

Preventive care is a successful pet health care plan’s backbone, but many pet owners avoid these essentials because of cost and budget concerns. Pet health insurance can help cover injury and illness costs, but does not usually cover annual wellness services. A wellness plan, which bundles your pet’s routine annual preventive care service costs into [...]

Life-Saving Prep: 5 Tips to Prepare for a Pet Emergency

Pets seem to have a nose for trouble, and whether they sniff out problems or are involved in an accident, being prepared for any kind of emergency can make a huge difference for your pet. Follow our Neighborhood Veterinary Centers Nederland team’s advice for prepping for potential pet problems. #1: Assemble a pet emergency kit [...]

Breaking News: Wellness Plans at Neighborhood Veterinary Centers

Veterinary care costs have risen dramatically in recent years, and pet owners may consider routine wellness care for their pets more a luxury than a necessity. Our Neighborhood Veterinary Centers teams understand that finances are a major factor in pet care decisions, and we strive to make pet care more accessible and affordable. Our new [...]

Gobble Gobble: Preventing Turkey Day Pet Disasters

Thanksgiving is a holiday squarely centered around gatherings and an elaborate meal. These two elements make this holiday potentially dangerous for mischievous or anxious pets, but with forethought and planning, you can create a safe, enjoyable turkey day experience for all your two- and four-legged family members. Our Neighborhood Veterinary Centers team shares their most [...]

Paws Off Poisons: Common Pet Toxins

The world is a dangerous place when you explore everything with a sniff and a taste. When your pet determines whether something is tasty enough to eat, they can fall victim to a multitude of toxins in your home and yard. Keep your four-legged friend safe from fatal toxins by familiarizing yourself with some of [...]

6 Anesthesia Safety Features at Neighborhood Veterinary Centers

Anesthesia is necessary for many surgical procedures in pets and to ensure a pain-free experience. Although many pet owners fear anesthesia and worry their pet may never wake up, modern anesthetic protocols are extremely low-risk. Studies show that when safety precautions are closely followed, a healthy dog’s risk of dying under anesthesia is 0.05% and [...]

Physical Examinations for Pets: Answers to Your Fundamental Questions

Veterinarians train for years to gain the knowledge and skills to care for pets. One of the first and most important concepts they learn is the art of a good physical examination, which provides foundational knowledge about a pet’s health. Our Neighborhood Veterinary Centers team members perform comprehensive physical examinations on every pet every time, [...]

Can It Wait? Urgent Versus Emergency Care for Pets

When your four-legged friend is ill or injured, you naturally want to rush to the nearest emergency veterinary hospital for immediate care. However, some problems do not require prompt treatment, and you can instead make an appointment at an urgent-care facility. General guidelines can steer you in the right direction when you need to decide [...]

Avoiding Halloween Pet Pitfalls

Halloween costumes, candy, parties, and crowds can be dangerous for pets. Neighborhood Veterinary Centers teams want to help pet owners avoid potential pitfalls and learn how to keep their furry pals safe. Here are the top Halloween safety hazards and how to prevent them. Halloween candy pet hazards Candy is arguably the best part of [...]

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