Verified, accurate and authentic
When your pet’s prescription is filled at Neighborhood Veterinary Centers, you receive your medication, plus peace of mind, knowing that your pet’s prescription is:
Our Products
In addition to an array of pills, tablets, liquids, and topical medications, we stock a variety of prescription pet necessities and medication supplies, including:
- Heartworm preventives
- Flea and tick preventives
- Veterinary diets
- Dewormers
- Supplements, including joint and skin supplements and probiotics
- Pheromone calming sprays
- Dental care items
- Tools to help medicate your pet, such as syringes, pill guns, pill-hiding treats, muzzles, and Elizabethan collars

Need extra help?
Drug labels can tell you how much medication to give and when, but they may not help you medicate your pet. In these cases, our team is happy to provide individualized support, answer any questions, and offer expert tips and tricks for pet-friendly dosing. If your pet requires more complex medication administration, such as diabetic monitoring, injectable medications, or subcutaneous (SQ) fluid therapy, we’ll schedule an in-person demonstration with a veterinary technician.
Need extra help?
Drug labels can tell you how much medication to give and when, but they may not help you medicate your pet. In these cases, our team is happy to provide individualized support, answer any questions, and offer expert tips and tricks for pet-friendly dosing. If your pet requires more complex medication administration, such as diabetic monitoring, injectable medications, or subcutaneous (SQ) fluid therapy, we’ll schedule an in-person demonstration with a veterinary technician.