Show Your Pet’s Teeth Some Love: Tips to Maintain Dental Health

February is the season of love and also National Pet Dental Health Month. Periodontal disease is the most commonly diagnosed dental disease in pets, with most pets showing dental disease signs by age 3, so there’s no better way to show your pet some love this month—and all year long—than by taking action to support [...]

Your Pet Ate What? Gastrointestinal Foreign Bodies in Pets

Dogs and cats are playful, inquisitive creatures who mostly investigate their world with their mouths. Some pets swallow non-food items while playing, because they smell like a tasty treat, or for no good reason at all. However, when these items become lodged in the stomach or intestines, they can cause serious, possibly life-threatening illness. The [...]

A Pet Owner’s Guide to Pet Obesity Prevention

The human obesity epidemic has existed for decades, but more recently, the problem has expanded to include our pets. According to a 2022 Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) survey, 59 percent of dogs and 61 percent of cats in the United States are overweight or obese. Furthermore, many dog and cat owners who [...]

Identifying Changes in Your Pet’s Eating and Drinking Habits

Pet owners are always on the lookout for signs that their furry friend might not be feeling their best. Monitoring your pet’s eating and drinking habits is an excellent way to assess their overall health, and changes can signal that something is amiss. If your furry friend’s eating and drinking habits have veered off course, [...]

Parvovirus in Dogs: A Looming Threat

To avoid several serious diseases, all puppies should begin their vaccination series when they are around 6 to 8 weeks old. Puppies and adult dogs in shelters and rescue facilities are most at risk for contracting parvovirus (i.e., parvo), a viral infection that can run rampant through litters and cause high mortality rates. However, any [...]

Don’t Bug Me: Bug Bites on Your Pet

Bugs are all around us, and living alongside them sometimes can feel like a battle. Most people are well-versed in preventing bug bites on themselves, but may not take the same precautions to protect their pets. The Neighborhood Veterinary Centers team in Richmond knows that everything is bigger in Southeast Texas, including the bugs, so [...]

Hitting the Trails: Hiking and Camping Pet Safety

Most dogs are willing and fun companions, always ready to hit the trails on an outdoor adventure, but they require a few extra considerations and preparations. They need the same items that you take for yourself, such as food, water, and first aid supplies. Fill your dog’s hiking pack with the essentials that will keep [...]

4 Ways to Keep Ticks and Fleas From Feasting on Your Pet

Fleas and ticks are common external parasites that plague pets and their owners, and they can cause a host of serious health issues. Follow our Neighborhood Veterinary Centers of Richmond team’s tips to keep your four-legged friend healthy and safe from the flea and tick infestations.  #1: Administer year-round flea and tick prevention to your [...]

What’s Up, Pup? Understanding Canine Body Language

As dog lovers and devoted owners, we like to think we know our canine companions. But, can we possibly fully understand a different species? Probably not, but understanding canine body language can help us decode their most common communications and become better guardians of their mental and physical health. Check out this nose-to-tail translation guide [...]

Protect Your Pet from Pet P.O.I.S.O.N.

Pets are curious creatures and often explore the world with their mouths. Unfortunately, this can lead to some dangerous situations if your pet ingests a toxic food or product. March is National Pet Poison Prevention Month, and our Neighborhood Veterinary Centers of Richmond team is sharing the information you need to know to protect your [...]

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