From Limp to Leap: Navigating Dog Mobility Challenges

Pet owners are often concerned when they notice their furry companions limping. In this comprehensive guide, our Neighborhood Veterinary Centers - Nederland team will explore the common reasons behind pet limping and explain how we can help diagnose and treat the problem. Understanding pet limping Limping can appear suddenly or develop gradually in pets. Sudden [...]

Understanding Pancreatitis in Pets: A Comprehensive Guide

In this comprehensive guide, our Neighborhood Veterinary Centers - Nederland team explains the complexities of pancreatitis and offers tips on how to prevent your pet from developing this painful condition.  What is pancreatitis? Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas caused by the premature activation of digestive enzymes within the organ. The condition can be [...]

Knee-Deep: A Pet Owner’s Guide to Luxating Patellas

Luxating patellas (i.e., trick knees) can affect your four-legged friend, causing discomfort and affecting their mobility. As a pet owner, particularly of a toy- or small-breed dog, you need to be aware of this condition. Our Neighborhood Veterinary Centers of Nederland team wades in knee-deep to provide you with everything you need to know about [...]

Rapid Response: A Pet Owner’s Guide to Timely Care

As a pet owner, you must be attuned to your furry friend's wellbeing and know when their condition warrants immediate attention. Recognizing the difference between a situation that can wait and one that demands urgent care can make all the difference in ensuring your pet's health and safety. To help you determine what type of [...]

What to Do if Your Pet Has a Seizure

Seizures in pets result from abnormal brain activity and can have various underlying causes. Witnessing a seizure for the first time is often scary for a concerned pet owner, who likely is not sure what’s happening or what to do next. The Neighborhood Veterinary Centers Nederland team wants to arm pet owners with the knowledge [...]

If Your Pet Ingests a Toxin: A Step-by-Step Guide

Pets see the world differently than humans and want to explore every nook and cranny of their home environment. Items that you see or pass by each day without a second thought may smell, look, or taste interesting to your pet—and get them in trouble. Toxins can be found in many places throughout homes, yards, [...]

Life-Saving Prep: 5 Tips to Prepare for a Pet Emergency

Pets seem to have a nose for trouble, and whether they sniff out problems or are involved in an accident, being prepared for any kind of emergency can make a huge difference for your pet. Follow our Neighborhood Veterinary Centers Nederland team’s advice for prepping for potential pet problems. #1: Assemble a pet emergency kit [...]

Paws Off Poisons: Common Pet Toxins

The world is a dangerous place when you explore everything with a sniff and a taste. When your pet determines whether something is tasty enough to eat, they can fall victim to a multitude of toxins in your home and yard. Keep your four-legged friend safe from fatal toxins by familiarizing yourself with some of [...]

Can It Wait? Urgent Versus Emergency Care for Pets

When your four-legged friend is ill or injured, you naturally want to rush to the nearest emergency veterinary hospital for immediate care. However, some problems do not require prompt treatment, and you can instead make an appointment at an urgent-care facility. General guidelines can steer you in the right direction when you need to decide [...]

Not-so-Sweet Treats: Xylitol Toxicity in Dogs

Although you consider your pet as a family member, you need to remember that they are another species. Dogs metabolize drugs and other substances differently than people, which makes some human food ingredients, including xylitol, unsafe for pets. Xylitol is a sugar alcohol, a sweet but noncaloric substance frequently used to lower or eliminate [...]

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