Soft Tissue Conditions
In addition to our routine surgical services, our veterinarians can treat soft tissue conditions with a wide range of complex surgeries that require skilled surgical techniques, advanced training, and specialized equipment.
Often, these surgeries are necessary for the pet’s quality of life or their survival. In addition to our standard pre-anesthetic safety requirements, most pets receive diagnostic imaging (e.g., X-rays, CT scans, ultrasounds, or fluoroscopy), so the veterinarian can plan the surgery and anticipate any potential complications.

Soft Tissue Procedures
Our soft tissue surgeries include
- Gastrointestinal procedures
- Gastric dilation volvulus (GDV) surgery
- Gastropexy (i.e., stomach tacking to prevent GDV)
- Anal sac removal
- Foreign object removal
- Exploratory laparotomy
- Abdominal organ biopsy
- Splenectomy
- Gallbladder removal
- Perineal urethrostomy
- Ear canal surgery
- Airway correction
- Gastrointestinal procedures
- Gastric dilation volvulus (GDV) surgery
- Gastropexy (i.e., stomach tacking to prevent GDV)
- Anal sac removal
- Foreign object removal
- Exploratory laparotomy
- Abdominal organ biopsy
- Splenectomy
- Gallbladder removal
- Perineal urethrostomy
- Ear canal surgery
- Airway correction
Soft Tissue Surgery FAQs
Soft Tissue Surgery FAQs